Sunday, 16 February 2014

A Taste Of Herring & Ham

After a recent debate hosted by Answers In Genesis in what I can only assume to be a publicity push for their brand of nonsense there has been a little post-debate discussion and dissection of what had come to pass.

Personally I think that Bill Nye could have done a better job, but I do applaud that he called on the audience to think, to look for answers themselves and implored that education is paramount.

Ken Ham, someone for whom I have little respect as I consider that he actively seeks to promote ignorance and reduce the effect of generation on generation learning. recounted "there's a book (referring to the Bible) that answers that" more than four times during the debate.

but more so, on one topic, he became deliberately deceitful in how he answered.

I can only highlight how intellectually dishonest this man is and ask that others call him out also, his actions are dangerous, perhaps not with immediate effect, but through his actions he can potentially negatively impact peoples lives

So, without further ado -

An Exploration of the Red Herring fallacy, feat. Ken Ham