Monday, 5 January 2015

I'll have a Q, another Q and the batman symbol ...

Inspired by post from: Sascha Spiegel (link to post)

You can see an image of the post on the right  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒  ⇒
( Click to enlarge be warned it ventures into bat-shit crazy territory)

The basic principal of the post (TL:DR mode) is that the word Deus can be mathematically translated to mean "MANKIND OWES GOD THE PEACE"

So now I'll explain why you are so very wrong Sascha.

The word "Deus" is actually thought to originate from ancient Greek Theos (θεός), yet you've used a modern Latin alphabet to transcode the numbers. Of course you give no thought to the original biblical language of Hebrew, so, let's not even entertain this slightly obfuscatory detail and simply move on.

Learn more about the word 'Deus' here:

Essentially - This means your equation is all wrong.

Let me explain why.
You've used an illogically matched word and alphabet combination,
  • fistly, by mixing ancient/modern text
  • secondly, by mixing the actual context language Greek/Latin
  • thirdly, the entire subjectivity and massed amount of 'special pleading' used throughout.

Your initial premise is flawed: 

Originally the 'latin' word Deus was from Greek (Δεύς) which means your letter to number equation should be:

α =1, β =2, γ =3, δ =4, ε =5, ζ =6, η =7, θ =8, ι =9, κ =10, λ =11, μ =12, ν =13, ξ =14, ο =15, π =16, ρ =17, σ =18, τ =19, υ =20, φ =21, χ =22, ψ =23, ω=24,

Learn more about Greek here:

As a thought exercise, I decided to follow (verbatim) your instructions of calculation... let's see what happens. Following your own (special pleading) mathematics exactly as you prescribe them but using the now correct reference alphabet:

Δεύς = 45206 = √212.617026599

I shall follow exactly the way you prescribe to 'follow the code':

212.617026599 becomes 21, 26, 17, 02, 65, 99,

Reverse translate (number to letter)

21, 26, 17, 02, 65, 99, becomes φ β ρ β ρ γ

For those that don't speak ancient Greek this translates into rough English as Phi Beta Rho Beta rho Gamma most closely pronounced in an English native tongue as: Fbrbry)

Once again you now establish something as factual when it it nothing more than your own personal inference and additionally for unknown reasons introduce an unrelated language you state 'Arabian' I note that this additional language is only applied to the latter half of your twisted text.

I shall do the same:

Fbr bry

Fbr as close approximation in English would equate to "Fiber"
Bry as abbreviated Arabian بري which pronounced as berri or berry
(for reference: exact translation is 'wild')

Learn more about Arabic (Arabian) here:

This give the phrase Fiber berry, which as far as I can work out is indicative of a healthy diet for good bowels.

What does this mean?

I shall now verbatim use your own following paragraph and exchange the words you found with the ones I have found, I have for sake of grammatical error corrected sentences where required (consider the orange one's added/corrected)

Until now, we know that 'healthy bowels' for GOD, but we do not know yet who is 'healthy' GOD the 'bowels'. That someone is 'healthy' GOD the 'bowels' and not someone else is a fact, because the word 'GOD' in the Latin version 'DEUS' is transcribed into numbers the only number of this calculation. The result of this whole calculation is the root of this number. And thus the person which is talked about in this calculation, is GOD

While it's a little wonky, I'm pretty sure this has something to do with god pooping?

A note on additional correction...

From Wiki:
"The name God was used to represent Greek Theos, Latin Deus in Bible translations, first in the Gothic translation of the New Testament by Ulfilas. For the etymology of deus, read more"

Additional reference (the 'read more') of this etymology goes to dyēus. you can learn more about this here:

At the very nub or root of this words etymology it seems inexorably linked to Greek Theos or even more simply a reference to Zeus, so for your above paragraph I have could have corrected the word 'GOD' to Zeus, but for sake of clarity and not wanting to make an assumptive move I have not done so.

Continuing along the Numerology-path

While I'm willing to entertain some of the irrational and baseless assertions I'm omitting a lot of the 'calculation' of the original post and simply skip to the next most relevant detail:

The 'second string'

212.617026599 becomes 2, 12, 61, 70, 26, 59, 9

According to our 'trustworthy' guide in these matters - Only the middle is of any importance

2, 12, 61, 70, 26, 59, 9 becomes 61, 70, 26 
(70 being the exact middle number, but to ensure the result is not truncated it is paired equally with it's neighbouring numbers and thus retaining 'only the middle')

Reverse translate (number to letter)

61, 70, 26 becomes ν χ β 

Again, for the less Grecian folk: the Anglicised version that's vu (or nu), chi, beta which would pronounce as "nuchb" which for the lack of vowels sounds like someone saying "no chubby" so clearly a reaffirmation of the healthy breakfast from the 1st string!

Now we combine the strings:

According to instruction the 2nd string goes first...

No chubby, Fiber berry

Apparently, for no real reason (like any of the OP has any 'reason'...) we now add the word GOD in the middle:

No chubby, GOD  Fiber berry

And so, this 'prophecy' is about god (possibly Zeus) not putting on weight by ensuring a healthy breakfast...