Monday, 21 April 2014

Science Bitch!

As Jesse says.... Yeah, Science!

jesse, yeah science, science bitch

In a debate thread I came across, there was a situation in which an all too apparent troll, by the name Rodney Mulraney was busy being a dick. As Wheaton's Law stipulates that you should 'not be a dick' I feel compelled to call him out on the matter.

To that end, I've decided to conduct some scientific field research and present my paper:

Is Rodney Mulraney a douche-bag idiot?

Background Research:

Other threads from communities made or engaged by Rodney Mulraney.

3rd party referential evidence by peers of Rodney Mulraney.

My previous studies of Rodney Mulraney
1 - How To Be Illogical, A Study.
2 - The Moronological Argument - 2nd Expansion

Rodney Mulraney is a douche-bag idiot.

His further responses to this thread. (please note I have been blocked by him and as such can no more interact with him) I have saved a PDF print out of the post as evidence to the content)

For the test to be confirmed positive in effect; Rodney must at least present a majority or all of the following conditions as set out by definition:

1 - Douche-bag :
[informal noun]
An obnoxious or contemptible person, typically a man.

Obnoxious :
extremely unpleasant

Contemptible :
deserving contempt; despicable.

2 - Idiot :
a stupid person

Stupid :
lacking intelligence or common sense.

Rodney Mulraney has, in the testing period, been a douche-bag idiot.
What follows are some points of evidence collated during this test.

  • Insults
    • Chosen example: describing 'atheists' as, Quote: "moronic "
    • also: Directly at another participant - Quote: "Your brimming ignorance"
  • Baseless assertions
    • Chosen example: Quote: "Clearly you have no idea what evidence is" - no information of the other participants knowledge in regard to the subject 'evidence' has yet been given.
    • also: Quote: "You are not a historian" - at no point has this point of information been validated or otherwise.
  • Arrogance
    • Chosen example: Quote: "considering (astiests) complete lack of any education and unwillingness to engage in rational debate" Giving the inference that Rodney is more educated and more consistently rational than those he engages.
    • also: Quote: "is an example of the proof of my claim" An attempt to re-enforce his position by (incorrectly) using the words/posts of others thus ascribing greater importance on his position over theirs.
  • Projection
    • In positive respect, when referring to 'theists' his subject to promote - Quote: "generally tend to at least try to use logic and reason"
    • In negative respect, when referring to 'atheists' his topic of opposition and seemingly done in  a defensive form - Quote: "Atheist ignorance"
    • also: Quote: "Clearly you have no idea what evidence" 

Publish Findings:

My interim finding is that Rodney Mulraney is a douche-bag idiot. The evidence collected supports my hypothesis, At no stage during the test period was any evidence collated to provide any point of contrary information.

I would based on my study assert that he has demonstrated the following testable elements:

  • to be obnoxious (for example: insulting)
  • to be contemptuous (for example: displays of arrogance)
  • to have demonstrated 'stupidity' he has on multiple occasion shown a high level of wilful ignorance of information as well as an unwillingness to accept factual details

This concludes that he does meet all requirements of the test.

I can with near certainty predict that in future Rodney Mulrany will be a douche-bag idiot.

From my findings I would propose the following:

It's not worth interacting with him.
He presents nothing in a conversation other than shallow, child-like negative responses and as such attempting to converse with him as one would with normal adults is ill advised.

This study was conducted over a period of 24 hours.
This study is still ongoing in an effort to collate a wider field of results for analysis.
I have updated (as 15/03/2015) this page due to ongoing collection of evidence that to date has not falsified any of my observations in this study.